
According to statistics released by the Ontario Provincial Police, 2014 could be a record-breaking year, with the fewest road deaths caused by people failing to fasten their seat belts. At last count in October, 32 people have died in Ontario crashes this year because they didn’t buckle up, down from 73 in 2013 – and well below the 68 recorded in 2009, the lowest annual tally over the past decade. It’s an encouraging sign, proof that the Buckle Up! campaign is finally resonating with motorists. Sadly, the same can’t always be said for “Don’t Drink and Drive.” In Pictou, N.S., police pulled over the same drunk driver twice in less than 24 hours.

Quick Facts

  • Recent statistics show that 96 per cent of all Ontarians buckle up on a regular basis — but about half a million still don’t.
  • The most recent Ontario statistics show that people in collisions were 36-times more likely to be killed if they were not wearing a seatbelt.
  • The penalty for seatbelt or child car seat infractions is a fine of up to $1,000 and two demerit points.
  • Since Ontario introduced seatbelt legislation in 1976, it is estimated that over 9,000 lives have been saved.
  • Since 2003, Ontario has made child car seats mandatory and required that every person in the vehicle wear their own seatbelt — one person, one seatbelt.

Article source: Maclean’s Magazine, October 6, 2014
“Quick Facts” source: Ontario.ca Newsroom