
Over the past week Grey Bruce OPP have charged four more drivers with impaired driving in Grey Bruce detachment patrol area. Two of the occurrences included motor vehicle being involved in single vehicle collisions.

The occurrences happened in Grey Highlands, South Bruce Peninsula and Georgian Bluffs.

In April of this year, Grey Bruce OPP reported a 50 percent increase of drivers charged with impaired driving throughout the detachment area, from the previous year.

In September an 81 percent increase was reported and now the numbers to date, compared to same time frame last year, show a 97 percent increase.

From January 1, 2019 to September 19, 2019 Grey Bruce OPP officers have charged 132 drivers with impaired driving. In 2018, for the same time period, 67 drivers were charged with the same offence.

“It is the responsibility of every driver to drive sober. We are entering the holiday season, a time when people attend work parties and house gatherings to celebrate the season. Grey Bruce OPP are committed to public safety on our highways. You can expect an increased presence of RIDE programs throughout the Grey Bruce OPP detachment area over the next month. If you are hosting a party or gathering, be responsible and arrange for sober drivers or a safe way home for your guests.”

Inspector Martin Murray, Grey Bruce OPP Detachment

Source: iHeartRADIO