
Some suspected impaired drivers were arrested as well

Halton Regional Police issued over 3300 tickets and warnings during Canada Road Safety Week, which ran from May 14 to May 20.

Police said that during this period they conducted heightened traffic enforcement on area roadways. Their focus was on aggressive driving, distracted driving and impaired driving.

The most common tickets Halton police issued were:

  • 1,599 tickets for speeding, careless driving and stunt driving
  • 473 tickets for sign- and traffic light-related offences
  • 456 tickets for documentary infractions related to licensing and insurance
  • 129 tickets for cellphone/electronic device use while driving

The total number of tickets represents a 23 percent increase over the number of tickets issued over the course of the 2018 Canada Road Safety Week campaign, according to police.

Officers also said they intercepted and charged 13 people with impaired driving during this year’s campaign.

An additional eight drivers were suspended after they registered in the “warn range” during roadside breath testing of blood-alcohol level readings.

Source: InsideHalton.com