
Driver could lose his licence for a month

A 33-year-old man is facing littering and distracted driving charges as well as a 30-day driver’s licence suspension after an incident with a Halton Regional Police officer at an Oakville intersection.

The incident occurred Tuesday evening (Dec. 3) just after 7 p.m. while the Halton officer — Const. Marc Taraso — and the Mercedes driver were stopped at a red light at Trafalgar and Cornwall roads.

Taraso said the driver threw a piece of plastic out the window and onto the road.

“Now I’m not sure if it was fate or karma that brought us together, but I picked up the litter, went to return it to the driver who had a phone in hand,” Taraso said, adding the Mississauga man was given two tickets.

He is facing a $110 fine for littering and a $615 fine and three demerit points for distracted driving. He is also looking at a 30-day drivers’ licence suspension upon conviction because he’s a novice driver (G2 licence), Taraso said.

Source: InsideHalton.com