
Wellington County OPP says 36 charges were laid during a two-day traffic safety blitz in Erin, Ont.

The campaign by the Traffic Management Unit was carried out on June 11 and June 13.

It came as a result of a number of public complaints about speeding, aggressive driving and other unsafe driving practices in the community.

Over the two days, OPP issued 21 speeding tickets, eight seatbelt infraction tickets and two for stop sign-related offences.

“The high police presence also promoted other drivers to engage in safe driving practices,” police said in a news release on Wednesday.

They said the initiative also highlighted the fact that the OPP’s concern for safety mirrors that of the residents of Erin.

“They saw a problem, reported it and allowed officers to calm some aggressive driving behaviours,” OPP said.

They’re encouraging residents in Wellington County to call 1-888-310-1122 to report an area where driving safety is an issue.

Source: Global News